(865) 250-8560

At Bricks 4 Kidz Knoxville, you know we love kids and LEGO Bricks — and what better way to celebrate your child’s birthday than with one of our fun and creative birthday parties!

Birthday Party Themes

Whether you child is into MineCraft, Star Wars, Superheroes, Pokemon, or sitting down and building cool stuff with LEGO pieces, we’ve got a theme that is just right for your LEGO-loving boy or girl. We’ve even done LEGO Indiana Jones, Secret Agents, and Godzilla — just let us know what your son or daughter is into building, and we’ll see what we can come up with!

New Birthday Party Packages for 2016

And we just updated our birthday party packages for 2016 to make it a little easier for you to know what is in each party.

Any time you schedule a birthday party at Bricks 4 Kidz Knoxville, rest assured that you will have an exclusive time set aside just for your family and friends — nothing else will be going on at Bricks 4 Kidz during your party. We will have at least two party hosts on hand at all times to lead the fun and make sure your needs are met. We also provide tablecloths, cake plates, napkins, forks and spoons in theme-appropriate colors. The birthday child will receive an awesome Bricks 4 Kidz T-Shirt, and, of course, you get to pick the theme. All that is included in our Classic Package. You’ll get to bring cake or cupcakes, and whatever other snacks or foods you’d like to serve — feel free to customize it.

The Deluxe Party Package

The Deluxe birthday party package takes it a step further, by adding a take-home for the kids: mini-figure factory! Every child at the party will get to build their own LEGO person to play with and take home at the end of the party, from our big “LEGO head” filled with an assortment of different LEGO legs, torsos, heads, hats, hair! The kids really enjoy customizing their own special mini-figure.

The Workz Party Package

If that’s not enough, and you’d like us to take care of a few more details, try The Workz birthday party package — it includes everything mentioned about, plus cake and pizza for the kids, as well as Capri Suns and bottled waters. All you have to do is show up with the kids and remember to take pictures!

Need More Info or Ready to Schedule?

Can we help you build the perfect birthday party for your LEGO boy or LEGO girl? We’d love to have the opportunity. Give us a call at (865) 250-8560, or email [email protected].

And check out our Bricks 4 Kidz Knoxville LEGO Birthday Parties page for more details.